Honours 3rd Year Results

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SMS Format: NU [space] H3 [space] roll/registration no
Example: NU H3 4545887
Send it to 16222 for latest published result.

Honours 3rd Year Results

The National University of Bangladesh is announce the release of the Honours Third Year Result 2024. Students can access their result from online at www.nu.ac.bd/results by selecting “Honours Result” and then “Honours 3rd Year”. Simply input your roll or registration number and click “Search Result”. Alternatively, send “NU H3 [Your Roll Number/Registration Number]” to 16222 via SMS. For further assistance or issues, comment with your roll number and registration number. This is how they can check their result from both Online or SMS Method.

Q: When are Honours Third Year results usually released?

A: Typically, Honours Third Year results are released within three months after the last exam date.

Q: How can I check my Honours Third Year result online?

A: To check online, visit the official website, navigate to the ‘Results’ or ‘Examinations’ section, choose ‘Honours 3rd Year’, input your registration and roll number, then click the ‘Search Result’ button.

Q: Can I check my result via SMS?

A: Yes, you can send an SMS in this format: “NU H3 [your roll number]” to 16222. For example, NU H3 4455478 send to 16222.

Q: What information do I need to check my Honours Third Year result?

A: You’ll usually need your registration number, roll number, and passing year from your admit card.

Q: How can I get assistance if I encounter issues? .

A: For assistance, contact your university’s examination office or leave a comment below

Q: Is re-evaluation allowed for Honours Third Year exams?

A: Yes, the National University allows re-evaluation. Visit the official website for procedures and deadlines.

Q: When can I access the detailed marksheet?

A: The detailed marksheet is typically available on the publication day or shortly afterward.

Q: How can I check the result collegewise?

A: You can check the Honours Third Year result from the collegewiseresult portal using college name, passing year, and subject name.

Q: What is the official link to check the result?

A: The official link is results.nu.ac.bd.

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