Honours 4th Year Results

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SMS Format: NU [space] H4 [space] roll/registration no
Example: NU H4 5858875
Send it to 16222 for latest published result.

Honours 4th Year Results

The Bangladesh National University (NU) has released the Honours Fourth Year Result 2024 on www.nu.ac.bd/results. To access your result online, visit the website, select “Honours Result,” choose “Honours 4th Year,” input your roll or registration number, and click “Search Result.” Alternatively, view your result via SMS by sending “NU H4 [Your Roll Number]” to 16222. For further assistance or issues, drop a comment with your roll number and registration number. Access your results effortlessly with both online and SMS options.

Q: How long does it usually take to publish the Honours Fourth Year result?

A: Typically, it takes 3 months from the last exam date to publish the Honours Fourth Year result.

Q: How can I access my Honours Fourth Year result online?

A: To access your Honours Fourth Year result online, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official website.
  2. Navigate to the ‘Results’ or ‘Examinations’ section.
  3. Choose ‘Honours 4th Year’ from the options provided.
  4. Input your registration and roll number.
  5. Click the ‘Search Result’ button to view your result.

Q: Can I check my result via SMS?

A: Yes, you can. Send an SMS in this format: “NU H4 [your roll number]” to 16222. For example, send NU H4 12448552 to 16222.

Q: What information do I need to view my Honours Fourth Year result?

A: You’ll typically need your registration number, roll number, and passing year from the admit card.

Q: What should I do if I encounter difficulties or find errors in my result?

A: If you encounter difficulties or find errors in your result, contact your university’s examination office or leave a comment below.

Q: Can I request a re-evaluation of my Honours Fourth Year result?

A: Yes, the National University allows students to request a re-evaluation or scrutiny of their results. Visit the National University’s official website for information on the procedures and deadlines for applying for re-evaluation.

Q: When will the detailed marksheet be available?

A: The detailed marksheet is typically available on the day of result publication or shortly afterward. Keep an eye on the university’s official result portal for updates on how and when to collect it.

Q: What if I forget my registration number or roll number?

A: If you forget your registration number or roll number, you can check the result from the collegewiseresult portal. You will need college name, passing year, and subject name to view the result.

Q: What is the official link to view the Honours Fourth Year result?

A: The Official link to view the Honours Fourth Year result is – results.nu.ac.bd.

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